In the current travel environment, it’s always a boost to receive a bit of acknowledgement for DIG’s cycling and street food services. A massive thank you to each and every one of the generous guests that took the time out of their busy day to leave a written comment on our Tokyo bike rides and food tours together through the backstreets of West Tokyo.
I can see that many guests went to the extended effort of creating a Tripadvisor account from scratch just to leave a review, which truly means a lot. As a small business operator who’s trying to make himself visible in the crowded market, formal recognition like this is invaluable.
The normality of greeting guests at Koenji station for a bike tour in the mornings dried up for me in mid March of this year. Imposed travel restrictions and the downturn in international tourism has been tough for both thirsty travelers and tour operators. In a positive light, this quiet patch has given me the long overdue excuse to revamp the website, foster new relationships, strengthen each of DIG’s tour offerings and restore a dusty pile of Japanese vintage road bikes that have been cooped up in the house for far too long.
When things take a turn for the better, I look forward to greeting a fresh bunch of faces along with the familiar on one of DIG’s Tokyo bike and food tours or walking and street food jaunts. For those itching to delve deeper into the neighbourhoods there’s some beautifully restored 3Rensho, Nakagawa and Nagasawa bikes that have been added to the fleet lineup.
Thanks again for all the good company, laughs and support this year and for helping DIG Tokyo Tours earn the Tripadvisor 2020 Travelers’ Choice Award.